Class Overview
Providing the tools and techniques necessary for finding errors and fraud in audits, this guide for auditors looking to better validate their Microsoft Excel spreadsheets provides techniques for performing a risk assessment and gathering spreadsheet and other data from company systems. Performing audit data analysis using data and analytical management functions and pinpointing the common errors in spreadsheets with focused Excel tests is discussed, as are the best practices for error and fraud prevention when developing spreadsheets.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course participants will be able to confidently and proficiently:
- Cleanup data received to report on
- Understand and make use of Pivot Tables, to build reporting dashboards
- Report findings graphically via charts and other visualization techniques
- Create an automated reporting pack that changes month on month with no effort
- Get Excel to work how you expect it to.
Who Should Attend
All professionals using Excel spreadsheets. Internal auditors at all levels who have a sound, practical grasp of the fundamentals of internal auditing. Supervisory/competent/senior internal auditors with excellent understanding of Excel and are interested in exchanging knowledge with instructors and other participants.